Susan Rainer, MBA is the Founder and Board President of San Rafael Sanctuary, Inc. She holds an MBA with an emphasis in Marketing from the University of Redlands and a bachelor’s degree in Liberal Studies with an emphasis in Child Development from California State University, Bakersfield. She is a former teacher who ventured into a successful business career as project manager, senior portfolio manager, and executive assistant in facilities management and nonprofit portfolio management. Susan has also consulted small for-profit businesses on best financial and marketing practices. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Susan researched solutions to solving the homelessness crisis. Her business and education background sparked the creation of San Rafael Sanctuary, Inc. to solve a piece of the puzzle concerning homelessness and at-risk adults.
K. Reineman, Treasurer and Chief Financial Officer, is a senior IT Specialist for a Fortune Five Hundred company and is a strong advocate for the most vulnerable in our society.
Homelessness in Los Angeles County has rapidly grown over the past couple of decades and has skyrocketed because of the pandemic. I feel personally responsible for not acting any sooner. I have always tried to care for the homeless whenever I have the means to do so, but I never took ownership of trying to find a permanent solution until now.
When I think back on things now, I often ask myself: What took me so long to try to figure this out? What was I waiting for? How could I have stood by, watching the homeless count grow right in front of me, and yet do nothing except for going about my life and randomly donating cash whenever I could? I am ashamed of myself for not trying to do something more to help my brothers and sisters in Christ and people of all faiths to get back up on their feet and regain their strength and dignity.
As a person of faith, I look to Jesus Christ for the answers. He taught me to pray “Jesus, undo my knots” and He will take care of everything. So again, I turn to Jesus Christ, as Divine Mercy, to lead the way in resolving the homelessness crisis, and I pray: “Jesus, undo this knot for all of us.” I hope that you can join me in this prayer and in this important mission.
Susan Rainer